Worship Service Videos

Hope Worship – June 25, 2023

In his classic song, Bob Dylan makes the case that no matter who we are, how high or low, we’re going to serve someone – “it may be the devil or it may be the Lord.” You wonder if Dylan was reading Romans 6 when he wrote his famous lyrics……

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Hope Worship – June 18, 2023

In Matthew 9 and 10, Jesus interacts with the crowds and has compassion on them. And in addition to providing for the crowds Himself, Jesus also encourages His followers to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into the harvest field. These verses invite us to…

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Hope Worship – June 11, 2023

Jesus calls Matthew out of the tax collector’s booth in Matthew 9 to follow Him. In this text, we see how far God will reach in His compassion. Jesus always calls sinners (because sinners are all that He has to choose from!). But with this calling of sinners comes the…

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Hope Worship – June 4, 2023

On this Trinity Sunday, we hear from God’s Word that we have been created in the image of God; moreover, when Jesus sends his followers to make disciples, He commands baptism in the triune Name of God. What does it mean for us to bear the name and reflect the…

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Hope Worship – May 28, 2023

A blessed Memorial Day weekend to you. As we hear today’s reading from 1 Peter 4 and 5, we can’t avoid the word. And yet, we join our culture in seeking to avoid it like the plague. What’s the word? Suffer. May God bless us as we consider Peter’s call…

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Hope Worship – May 21, 2023

The story of the Bible is meant to shape our imagination, our way of seeing the world and all of life. And in doing so, it makes us people of hope who anticipate the return of our King. Christ will come again, and all things will be made new! We…

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