Worship Service Videos

Hope Worship – August 6, 2023

“There’s not enough.” At some point, most of us have come to the limit of our resources. We have things we’d like to do and places we’d like to go, but there’s not enough money or enough time. We’d like to accomplish more, but there’s not enough energy. In our…

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Hope Worship – July 30, 2023

For those who are in Christ, we can be confident that God is for us. And if God is for us, we are utterly secure! Of course, security in God’s economy doesn’t necessarily mean comfort as the culture around us defines it. Paul knew all about danger and hardship and…

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Hope Worship – July 9, 2023

In Roman 7, Paul describes the war that is the Christian life: the inner being has been brought to new life in Christ, and yet the sinful nature wages war, not wanting to submit to God’s good design. It’s exhausting to agree with God’s Law and yet not be able…

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