Hope Return to the Sanctuary – June 9, 2020 Update

Dear Members of Hope Lutheran Church,
We have some exciting news to bring to you. The Reopening Task Force has been working to safely reopen Hope Lutheran Church for in-person worship. Our start dates are Wednesday, June 17th with a 6:30 PM worship and June 21st with an 8:00 AM and 10:27 AM worship option. Online Worship will also be available for those more comfortable with this option. We look forward to seeing everyone again and worshiping together with the Hope Family. However, this comes with some procedures and safety precautions to keep everyone safe and healthy.

  1. We ask for everyone to sign up each week for a time of worship so that we can be properly prepared for you. We will use Sign Up Genius. You will receive an email from Hope with a link to Sign Up Genius
    and will follow the steps to register for the worship service. Please note that you will need to register the number of people who will be attending. Each worship service will have a maximum attendance of 50 persons. If we reach capacity of 50 persons, we ask that you attend an alternate worship service time or worship on line. If you are unable to access Sign Up Genius, please call Hope Lutherans office at 920- 336-9843 by Wednesday and leave a message indicating the date, service time and each person attending in your group. (If you need assistance reserving a place for the Wednesday service, please call the office by 10:00 AM Tuesday.) Someone will contact you to verify that space was available and your reservation is secured.
  2. If you are sick, or feeling any symptoms whatsoever, please do not come to church. Allow your body to heal and protect others from possible infection. If you are over 65, immunocompromised or have any of the following conditions, please do not feel obligated to attend:
     Chronic Lung Disease (including COPD and moderate to severe asthma)
     Diabetes
     Serious heart conditions (includes heart failure, coronary artery disease)
     Chronic Kidney Disease (especially if on dialysis)
     Liver Disease
    Online worship remains an option and DVDs of services will be available for those without online access.
  3. Please arrive no earlier than 20 minutes prior to the service time selected. Enter through the main doors under the overhang.
     Upon arrival, a greeter will open doors for you.
     We ask you to head toward the ushers to be seated. Gathering in the narthex is discouraged and the narthex furniture will be removed.
     You will be ushered into the sanctuary to be seated, starting in the front and moving to the back of the church. Seating will be limited to allow for social distancing in the sanctuary. We have marked off areas for seating, leaving every other pew empty for social distancing reasons, and you will be asked to space yourself within the pew, 6 feet from people who are not your family members. Additional seating, if needed, will be provided in the Fellowship Hall. Sign up is important so that we can be prepared for the number of attendees expected.
     If you are able, we ask you to exit through the side door by the usher stand (north door). We understand that some members may have a need to use the main doors to exit.
  4. Masks are highly recommended. We suggest you bring your own mask. If you do not bring a mask, we can provide a mask for you as they are available. Feel free to keep it if you need one. If you don’t intend to keep it or use it in the future, please return the mask to the basket next to where you picked it up so they can be washed and reused.
  5. Numerous hand sanitizing stations will be available.
  6. We ask you to avoid visiting other areas of the church building unless absolutely necessary.
     The drinking fountains will be turned off.
     You can check your mailbox in the coatroom, but we request one person at a time please.
     There will be no beverages or treats at the coffee bar before or after worship.
     The main narthex restrooms will be open, but we ask that you use them only when absolutely necessary.
  7. Offerings will be taken at the doors of the sanctuary. You will be able to drop off your gifts in the plates that will be on tables near the entrance or utilize on line giving.
  8. All hymnals, friendship folders and other paper will be removed from the pews.
     If you wish to use a Bible, please bring yours along.
     If paper bulletins are used, they are yours to take home. Please do not leave them behind.
     If you would like, your family can “check out” a hymnal to follow along in worship (the hymnal can be kept until we are ready to return them to the pews).
  9. Communion
     The elements of Communion will be placed on tables located at the front of the side aisles by the elders.
     The ushers will invite family units to go forward via both side aisles. Couples and children or individuals will be considered a unit with a safe space between each unit.
     The exact number of bread and wine will be placed on the tables by gloved elders as members come forward.
     Following the consumption of the bread and wine, pastor will dismiss the communicants and they will depart down the center aisle of the church and out the building to prevent clusters of individual members.
  10. Singing
     At this time, we will not have congregational singing at services. Please take this time as an opportunity to reflect on the music provided.
  11. We encourage greeting with a wave and a smile but avoid shaking hands or touching at this time.

Volunteers will be needed to expand our current usher teams (or create new ones) and to assist with sanitizing the seating areas after worship. If interested, please email [email protected].

As we prepare for in-person worship, a reminder that the Drive-In Worship will continue through June 14 as long as Pastor Baye is not called to the hospital for the arrival of Baby Baye.

Thank you again for your ongoing prayers for our work together and your love for one another.

Christ’s peace and joy,
Hope Lutheran Church Council

SCRIP Procedures
Until June 16th, please complete and drop off an order form prior to services, call/email your order prior to the Sunday. ([email protected] or 920-339- 0974 – this is a house phone with an answering machine). Please leave your order, name and phone number on the answering machine.
Beginning June 17th, please call or text (preferred) Judy at 920-660-7494 or email [email protected].
An order form will be included with weekly on-line announcements, or orders can be written on a piece of paper. Please use the Scrip order form box to drop off orders with payment. Order forms will be available on Sunday morning, but should be completed at a location other than the Welcome Desk. Clean writing utensils will be provided. The goal is to eliminate conversation standing around the Welcome Desk while people complete forms.
Orders handed in on Sunday morning will be filled during the service time and will be available for pickup after service. Orders called or emailed ahead of time will be ready for pickup before services after receipt of payment.

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